What’s in a name?

People are often wondering where the company name Airdeca comes from, so let’s get that mystery out of the way. It’s quite simple actually, depending on what language you speak. If you look at my initials (RdK) and pronounce them in Dutch, German, French (or Spanish?) you will notice that it sounds the same as pronouncing the company name.

In English it sounds a little different but I didn’t feel like calling my business ‘Ourdecay’. I’ve found out that the Danish people pronounce the K as ‘ko’ but they pronounce a lot of things completely different than I would expect.

Did I just made this name up? Not really, I’ve been using the name as a game tag, email alias and Twitter handle for years already. So you may have bumped into me in the past.

It may not be much but this can be considered as my very first blog article on airdeca.com.

(In my defense, I’ve seen blog articles with less information in it). I hope I can find the time and the inspiration to let a lot more of them follow.
